
Invisible Sun

Created by Monte Cook Games

Do you dream of escape, but don’t know from what, or to where? Looking for a chance to escape the insanity of the world, and immerse yourself into something rich, deep, and fantastical? Something that challenges the limits of your creativity as well as your intellect? If so, then join us. Escape the Shadow of the real world and find the Invisible Sun. Enter a new Actuality of surreal fantasy where mystical characters wield fabulous powers and struggle to discover the secrets of true existence Invisible Sun is the new roleplaying game by Monte Cook. Its focus is in deep immersion storytelling. Its mechanics and gameplay are tailored around overcoming the barriers to that immersion. Magic is not mechanical, but truly magical. Character creation and development is based around story arcs. And we’ve gone further than that. Because we know the challenges gamers face in the modern world, with conflicting schedules and sometimes distant players, Invisible Sun does something different. It embraces traditional tabletop play, but enhances it with away-from-the-table activities, rules to deal with absent players, solo play, online play, and more. All the barriers are down. All doors are open.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Fulfillment Update!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 12:24:18 AM

This is just a quick update to fill you in on some breaking (and good) news from the warehouse! 

We are now scheduled to receive two containers of Invisible Sun products tomorrow at our warehouse in Kansas City. As we mentioned in the last update, this shipment includes: Vislae Kits, remaining pre-orders, many of the high-level backer Black Cubes, and well as replacements of any misprinted copies of The Key. You should start seeing fulfillment emails after that! 

We are also cleared to go for AU/NZ backers and pre-order customers. Look for your fulfillment messages this week! 

More news on remaining items and products to come as we have them, of course!

Oh, and one last bit: 

Monte is doing an AMA-a-Thon today! 

Today, starting at 4pm PDT, Monte will be trapped at his webcam answering questions live from the audience on topics ranging from gaming advice, his career, or who his favorite Avenger is. (It's Cap. Of course it's Cap.)

The more pledges for Your Best Game Ever that are made during that time, the more questions he'll have to answer! 

We have some great special guests lined up from our rock-star cast of consulting experts, too. Be sure and spread the word to keep him spilling secrets until he needs a snack break and we can bring on the guests to answer some questions!

Please join us! 

Production Update
over 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 08:48:35 PM

GM (and game store owner) Audrey of Athens Arcana (Athens, OH) brought us Invisible Sun-themed desserts at Gen Con.
GM (and game store owner) Audrey of Athens Arcana (Athens, OH) brought us Invisible Sun-themed desserts at Gen Con.

Greetings honored vislae, 

The whole Monte Cook Games team (all nine of us!) just got back from Gen Con, far too many of us have caught the dreaded con crud, and the rest of us are still reeling a bit from a week's worth of games, seminars, demos, and events. Bear with us while we recalibrate to being back in Shadow.

By now, most of you in North America should have your Black Cubes, barring some high-end backers and some pre-orders. I know there hasn't been as much information on delivery times on the remaining Black Cubes, Vislae Kits, high-end backer tier rewards, and extra goodies as everyone would like, and I'm sincerely sorry for that. Sadly, at this point, a lot of it is out of our hands, as we too wait for information from printers, shippers, hand-crafters, and others. We always strive to get you information as soon as we have it. 

Here's what we do know:

-Most of the remaining Black Cubes and Vislae Kits are here in North America and should be delivered to our warehouse this coming week. The local freight company has not called to book a delivery date with us yet, so we're going by our best guess.

-We’ll finish fulfillment of preorders as quickly as possible after we receive the shipment. We’ll be able to fulfill Vislae Kits from this shipment. We should also be able to replace any misprinted copies of The Key

-The delivery above includes many of the remaining high-end Black Cubes (including the ones that get special foil colors and other unique elements). The very highest-end Black Cubes (which are being hand-crafted by talented artists) are still in progress. 

-We're at work on hyperlinking and bookmarking the PDF of The Key for delivery to backers mid-month as well. 

-Lots of other pieces are still in progress, including Wicked Keys and more (again, we're waiting on final delivery or product information from our crafters for many of these). 

-Some UK backers are experiencing a "shipment pending" notice after they place their order. This seems to be a situation where our shipper is sending the packages, but is a bit slower to update their books as the shipments go out. In most cases, it's not delaying the delivery, despite the information lag. We'll be working with them to fix it. 

That's what we know for now. As soon as we hear anything else, you'll be the first to know!

In Other News...

-Check out this Invisible Sun Twitch game, starting tonight: The Truth Bleeds at Twilight

-Did you hear that Geek & Sundry is starting a new show using the Cypher System with a fantastic cast! It begins August 17th. Read more about Callisto 6 here

-We're still behind on customer service. We're working hard on it, though, and hope to have things more under control as soon as humanly possible. 

-Check out (and jump in on!) the #RPGRapBattle on Twitter. It's tons of fun, and there are already quite a few Invisible Sun-themed raps. 

-Monte's doing an AMA on Monday! Come and ask him anything. Seriously. Anything! 

~Shanna (and the whole MCG team)

Production Update–Golden Ship
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 11:14:40 PM

The starry sky is our ocean. We set sail for eternity.

Hello, wise vislae,

Great news! We have turned over a new Sooth card on the Path of Suns and it is the Golden Ship. Vislae kits, more Black Cubes, and special items and add-ons have made the journey from Shadow to the Actuality (the most recent shipment from the factory is on US soil)…huzzah! The shipment still needs to clear customs, be trucked to our warehouse, and entered into inventory, but we are so pleased that we are closer to completing fulfillment both for Kickstarter backers and preorder customers.

Directed Campaign

The new chapter of the Direction Campaign will be out at the end of this month. Check the forums for it soon! (And take note about the upcoming physical mailings and how to receive those!). Interesting in the Directed Campaign? It's not too late to jump onboard! 

Come and see us play Invisible Sun at Gen Con! 

Your Best Game Ever!

Did you see what we hit as a stretch goal in our current Kickstarter? The Stars are Fire, this gorgeous sci-fi book from Bruce R. Cordell. And now we're working toward adding awesome comics and cartoonists to Your Best Game Ever! (Haven't heard about this awesome book for gamers yet? Check it out here!)

Customer Service Update

A note from Tammie for you, our incredibly patient and kind customers:

This update makes me sad, because I want nothing more that to give you the best immediate service possible. With so much fulfillment happening (which is awesome!), we are very behind on customer service. We’ll continue to work as quickly as possible to get through all of the queries, but realistically it’s going to take some time. We appreciate your patience and kindness as we do our best to serve you. One thing you could do for us is not submit multiple tickets about the same issue. We promise we aren’t going to delete your ticket without responding to you.


Gen Con

We’ll be in booth 2519 and our events will be in ICC (Indiana Convention Center) room 240, socome see us! Some of our events still have space, so jump in and sign up! We’d also love for you to experience a demo of Numenera, Predation, or No Thank You, Evil! in our booth.

Join us at one of our seminars:

Thursday at 2 PM: Discover Your Destiny, Lucas Oil Mtg Rm 4
Thursday at 6 PM: An Evening with Monte Cook Games, Union Station: Iron Horse
Friday at 2 PM: The Raven Wants What You Have, Westin Grand Ballroom V
Saturday at 10 AM: Making Your Invisible Sun Character, Lucas Oil Mtg Rm 6
Saturday at 2 PM: How to Have the Best RPG Session Ever, Lucas Oil Mtg Rm 12 (sold out; admittance dependent upon no-shows)

Since we'll be at Gen Con next week, there will be no Production Update next Friday! 

Greetings Vislae!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 10:50:49 PM

As we continue to see Black Cubes mysteriously disappear from our warehouse and appear on doorstops across the world, we bring you exciting news of a different kind.

We have a new Kickstarter and we think you’ll be really interested in it because it's for a book aimed at anyone and everyone who plays roleplaying games. It’s called Your Best Game Ever and it’s a system-agnostic guide to everything having to do with RPGs that don’t involve rules: gathering the right group for you, creating interesting characters, hosting a game, running a game, building a world, crafting adventures, dealing with problems that arise at the table and so much more. Best of all, it’s not just theory, but is filled with actionable items that you can incorporate into your next game session. This includes taking some of the innovations of Invisible Sun, like character arcs and Development Mode, and suggesting ways to add them to any RPGs.

We have an amazing team of consultants working on this with us, including Matt Colville, Matt Mercer, Luke Crane, Tanya DePass, Ajit George, Eloy Lasanta, Monica Valentinelli, and more! 

We funded in two hours, and are already well on our way to our first stretch goal. 

Please check it out and spread the word to all your gaming friends!

The Key in PDF 

You spoke the words, and the spell takes form. Because so many of you have asked for it, we will make The Key (the character creation book) from the Black Cube into PDF to make it easier to make characters. As backers to this Kickstarter (and this goes for those who preordered as well), you will get this PDF automatically and for free. It will be available to you in mid-August.

Invisible Sun Podcasts 

There are two Invisible Sun related podcasts (that we know of). We love both of them!

Incantations did a lot of stuff during the lead-up to the game, and already has a bunch of episodes in the can examining lots of different aspects of Invisible Sun, including some of the more esoteric ones.

The Secret Cellar is newer, with fewer episodes, and also takes a deep dive into some of the deeper topics of the game. 

New Invisible Sun Streaming Game

The Truth Bleeds at Twilight, a new Invisible Sun live-streamed narrative has started on the MCG Twitch channel! The Truth Bleeds at Twilight chronicles the adventures of a team of investigative reporters for The Crepuscule Notion — a sensationalist tabloid newspaper that manifests across the city of Satyrine every evening at Twilight. In pursuit of Truth (and Readership), the mysterious Editor of Notions and its staff explore a tangled web of secrets and intrigue among the elites of Post-War Satyrine, while grappling with entanglements from their pasts in the Actuality and Shadow.

The next episode is Friday August 10th 7pm PDT. 


We’re off to GenCon next week, where we’ll be running some Invisible Sun games as well as a live version of our The Raven Wants What You Have.

If you’re going to the convention, we hope you’ll join us! We’re fulfilling our two largest Kickstarters ever (this one and Numenera 2) as we speak. Customer Service is likely to continue to be slammed through the next few weeks, and GenCon is going to make that even harder. We’ll be shipping throughout the convention, but communication with us is going to be difficult during that time. Our small team is doing our best and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

~Monte (and the whole MCG team!)

Production Update–International Fulfillment, Gen Con, Art, and More!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 08:49:01 PM

Hello esteemed vislae,

Lots of news for you this week! 

But first, take a look at this gorgeous piece of art by David Seidman for Secrets of Silent Streets! 

Now, on to all the news that's fit to print in The Daily Sights

European Backers: You should have gotten your fulfillment email! YAY! The Black Cubes will start shipping to you on Monday!

Australian Backers: Your Black Cubes are in transit, but there have been some paperwork hurdles. (Australia recently changed the way in which foreign companies license for importation, and we were caught in the middle of that change.) Tammie is working hard on it, and is chasing down all the final details on timing. Despite the hurdles, we're happy to say that it's faster and much, much cheaper than shipping directly from the U.S.  

Pre-Orders: For those who pre-ordered, we're starting to fulfill those now, starting with earliest pre-orders first. It will be a rolling process, with the most recent pre-orders being fulfilled from the shipment that's still making its way to us. 

High-Level Backers and Cool Add-ons: All of these pieces-parts continue to progress. International shipping is still nebulous, but the cubes are...somewhere on the oceans. (Someday we will crowdfund a portal that allows instantaneous and free international shipping). In the meantime, we're working hard on our end to make some awesome things for you. 

Customer Service:
We are still slammed currently, and will likely continue to be so through the next few weeks, due to the amount of fulfillment we're doing currently, plus traveling to Gen Con. You're not forgotten. We love you. We're just a small team doing a lot of work right now. Thank you for bearing with us. 

Gen Con: Yep, it's coming. If you're going, we look forward to seeing you there. We've got lots of special stuff planned, including a live show of The Raven Wants What You Have (with the whole team in cosplay!), a special Evening with Monte Cook Games, and tons of games! Come and see us! 

Your Best Game Ever!
We've announced our next big project! It's a tool book to help all players make every game great.

This is what Charles has to say about Your Best Game Ever

I’ve been gaming since 1979. Almost 40 years of gaming have yielded so many great moments—moments that were thrilling at the time, and that lived on in my memory and that of the gamers I played with. Is there a way to capture the magic of those greatest game sessions, to learn from them to make every game as memorable and fun?

Yes, and we’re going to make it happen—with your help. On Tuesday, we launch the Kickstarter campaign for Your Best Game Ever, a book that compiles the wisdom of over 250 years of combined gaming experience among the MCG team, along with input from a dozen consulting experts. We can’t make every die roll a 20, but we can help you sharpen your gaming skills so that every game you run or play is as fun and exciting as it can be. Build chemistry in your gaming group, make a character you will love and remember forever, run engaging and exciting games your players will always look forward to, create thrilling adventures, find all the right ideas, host memorable game nights, and more. And make every game Your Best Game Ever!

That's all for this week! Thank you for always supporting us, and being such a fantastic community of gamers. We appreciate you so much.